Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cisco (642-577) : Wireless LAN for System Engineers

Cisco(642-577):Wireless LAN for System Engineers

Q1. WECA promotes __ wireless technology
b. WiFi
c. Wireless adaptation
d. WECA technology

Ans. b

Q2. Which parameter is available on the Express Setup screen of the
Access Point?
b. Role in radio network
c. both a and b
d. None of the above

Ans. c

Q3. Which tool is not applicable to Cisco WLAN?
a. CDM, Cisco Device Manager
b. RF sniffers
c. MIBs
d. Windows2000

Ans. a

Q4. Fast Secure Roaming improves total latency time associated with the roam from >
500 ms to __
a. <250 ms
b. <150 ms
c. <100 ms
d. <200 ms

Ans. b

Q5. __ number of WEP keys is what the client needs to configure in each cell
using Cisco server-based authentication
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Ans. b

Q6. WLAN is connected by
a. Radio frequencies
b. Cat5 cable
c. Twisted pair
d. Ultra Violet rays

Ans. a

Q7. Which authentication types are not defined by 802.11?
a. shared key
c. open
d. closed

Ans. b

Q8. EIRP is measured in __
a. dBa
b. dBi
c. dBm
d. dBx

Ans. c

Q9. which is unsuitable for discovering an IP address for a given Access Point?
b. CDP
c. web browser
d. console port

Ans. c

Q10. Which program is used to push profiles out to multiple Cisco Aironet clients?
a. ACM
d. ACU

Ans. c

Q11. No licensing is required for which of the following RF bands?
a. 830-850MHz
b. 902-928 MHz
c. 2.400-2.483 GHz
d. 5.150-5.350 GHz
e. 5.725-5.825 GHz

Ans. b,c,d,e

Q12. If the gain of the antenna goes up, the beamwidth _______.
a. decreases
b. increases
c. No change
d. polarity changes

Ans. a

Q13. Which is not required for WPA v1 for Enterprise Class Access Point?
a. WPA migrationMode
b. 256 bit encryption
c. Unicast and broadcast key management
d. 802.1 X authentication

Ans. b

Q14. What is the maximum number of wired clients that can send packets through the
WGB342 to an Access point?
a. 8
b. 18
c. 10
d. unlimited

Ans. a

Q15. Cisco Aironet 350 Series Client Adapters for notebook computers are available
in __ formats?
a. ISA
b. ISD
d. PCI

Ans. c,d

Q16. Antennas that Cisco sells for the Aironet product line
are __ polarized
a. Vertically
b. horizontally
c. diagonally
d. Depends on antenna

Ans. a

Q17. Which value is not required in configuring ACS when adding an AP to ACS database
a. RADIUS shared secret
b. broadcast WEP key
c. Unique name for AP (AAA) in ACS database
d. AP hostname or IP address

Ans. b

Q18. The following port is monitored in hot standby mode to determine if Primary
access point isstil alive.
a. Radio port
b. Ethernet port
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

Ans. c

Q19. __ number of authentication servers can be confogured on access point
a. 4
b. 5
c. 3
d. 1

Ans. a

Q20. Which IEEE 802.11 task group is responsible for the development of WLAN
security standards?
a. 802.11a
b. 802.11b
c. 802.11f
d. 802.11i

Ans. d

IBM Test 000-285 Sample Questions

IBM Test 000-285 Sample Questions
Q1. Which searches can be performed within the WebSphere Studio Workbench?
a. Text
b. Regular Expression based
c. Syntactical
d. Java

Ans. d

Q2.Which of the following are valid properties of Schema?
a. Cluster
b. Database Name
c. Folder
d. Name

Ans. b,c,d

Q3. How can you monitor requests and responses between application server and
a Web browser?
a. monitors
b. agents
c. watchdog functions
d. TCP-IP Monitoring Server

Ans. d

Q4. In which directory, the web.xml file must reside under the
context of the hierarchy of directories for a Web Application?
a. WEB
d. LIB

Ans. b

Q5. Which component automatically manages refactoring for Websphere developer?
a. JIT
b. JDT

Ans. b

Q6. If content assist is available for the positioned cursor, and a pop-up list of available choices is displayed while launching content assist, which is based on:
a. Directory Tree
b. schema
c. content
d. context

Ans. d

Q7. Which amongst them is valid for Web session management for server
a. Enable SSL keys
b. Enable Cookies
c. Enable URL rewriting
d. Enable URL substitution

Ans. b,d

Q8. "Java content assist is available", this is best described by-
a. Web Projects
b. EJB Projects
c. Scriptlets
d. All of the above

Ans. a,c

Q9. Entity beans with Container Managed Persistence fields are mapped to?
a. Database tables
b. Columns
c. Rows
d. Databases

Ans. a,b

Q10. Which of them is the WebSphere Studio debugger's function?
a. Remote debug
d. Thread suspension
c. Step over and step in
d. Set breakpoints
e. All of the above

Ans. e

Q11. tag is used for?
a. get a property value in a JavaBean
b. set a property value in a JavaBean
c. redirection
d. all of these, but in a different manner

Ans. b

Q13. Suppose you have an EJB project.When you import into this project, what happens
to Deployment Descriptor and Extension Information:
a. They get merged
b. They get overwritten
c. They get copied
d. No change

Ans. a

Q14. HTML content assist can be accessed by:
a. Shift f5
b. Ctrl Space
c. Select File menu, Select Content assist
d. none of these

Q15. Which is necessary to query database in WebSphere studio?
a. SQL builder plugin
b. Presence of data in a database
c. Access to database
d. All three

Ans. a,c

Q16. Server configuration contains information required for _
a. Project set up
b. Project removal
c. Set up and publish server
d. EJB creation

Ans. c

Q17. In which case VM does not terminats?
a. System.exit()call
b. Page is closed
c. Page is terminated in debugger
d. All of the above

Ans. d

Q18. In Export wizard, which export destination is invalid?
a. RAR file
b. WAR file
c. SQL datbase
d. CVS file
e. FTP

Ans. c,d

Q19. Which of the following is not supported by Websphere Studio V5.0?
a. Informix
b. DB2
c. PeopleSoft
d. Sybase

Ans. c

Q20. Consider the host variable :HOST. Which is the database vendor then?
a. MySql
b. PeopleSoft
c. DB2
d. Oracle
e. Informix

Ans. c,d,e

Q21. How can we filter tables from a view of a database?
a. Programming to restrict JDBC
b. Can not be filtered
c. Restricting resultset programmatically
d. Adding a filter using DBExplorer

Ans. d

Q22. When creating a new server project, server instance identifies -
a. containers
b. components
c. server
d. Runtime environment

Ans. d

Cisco(9E0-851) Questions

Cisco(9E0-851): Customer Response solution, CRS
Q1. Which JTAPI call state is not controlled by the system?
a. Received
b. Answered
c. Rejected
d. Accepted

Ans. c

Q2. CRS subsystem responsible for the connection between application server and speech files is:
a. Server subsystem
b. Database subsystem
c. Application subsystem
d. Media subsystem

Ans. c

Q3. Which step does not perform logical operations?
a. If
b. Switch
c. for
d. goto

Ans. c,d

Q4. In order to play text as speech, CRS server has to make__
a. Text document
b. ASR document
c. File document
d. TTS prompt

Ans. d

Q5. Which step gets added to the script automatically, if not given?
a. Start
b. End
c. Connect
d. Reject
e. all of the above

Ans. a

Q6. In which step, you answer the call from call Manager.
a. Connect
b. Accept
c. Start
d. Begin
e. Any of them can be used

Ans. b

Q7. __ number of enterprise Data fields are available to CRS applications.
a. 250
b. 200
c. 201
d. 231

Ans. d

Q8. Which SQL command cannot be used in DB WRITE step?
a. SQL Insert
b. Insert
c. Update
d. Delete

Ans. a

Q9. In order to get data from LDAP for a user, perform the following step.
a. Get User Info
b. Get Call Info
c. Get User
d. Get Call

Ans. a

Q10. Which is not a CRS subsystem?
b. ICD
c. Email
d. Server

Ans. d

Q11. Call redirect step is in __ Pallette.
a. Session
b. Application
c. Call contact
d. Call reject

Ans. c

Q12. Which call state is not controlled by CRS application.
a. Transferred
b. Disconnected
c. Accepted
d. Abandoned

Ans. c

Q13. In order to check out a database connection, following two steps are used.
a. DB Read and DB Write
b. DB Get and DB Read
c. DB Write and DB Get
d. DB Read, DB Write and DB Get

Ans. a

Q14. JTAPI provider is the IP address of __
a. Call Receiver
b. Call Manager
c. CRS server
d. Publisher

Ans. b

Q15. Before sending an email, the necessary step is
a. Attach email
b. Create email
c. Send email
d. cc email

Ans. b

Q16. TTS is
a. Text to Signal
b. Text to Sound
c. Text to Speech
d. Text to Speech Synthesis

Ans. c

Q17. Which is not the necessary step:
a. Create mail
b. Send mail
c. Attach to mail
d. cc mail

Ans. c,d

Q18. DB Get happens only after
a. DB Read
b. DB Write
c. DB Edit
d. DB Release

Ans. a

Q19. Real Time CRS Reports have time frame of
a. Past 5 mins
b. Past 1 day
c. Only current information
d. Last one month information.

Ans. c

Q20. An agent may have
a. 10 skills
b. 50 skills
c. Unlimited skills
d. 0 skills

Ans. b