Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Quick Test Professional Q & A Part 2

Quick Test Professional Q & A Part 2

11.Keyword view in QTP is also termed as

Icon based view

12.What is the use of data table in QTP?

parameterizing the test

13.What is the use of working with actions?

To design a modular and efficient tests

14.What is the file extension of the code file and object repository file in QTP?

The extension for code file is .vbs and the extension for object repository is .tsr

15.What are the properties we can use for identifying a browser and page when using descriptive programming?

The name property is used to identify the browser and the title property is used to identify the page

16.What are the different scripting languages we can use when working with QTP?

VB script

17.Give the example where we can use a COM interface in our QTP project?

COM interface appears in the scenario of front end and back end.

18.Explain the keyword createobject with example

createobject is used to create and return a reference to an automation object.

For example:

Dim ExcelSheetSet


19.How to open excel sheet using QTP script?

You can open excel in QTP by using the following command

System.Util.Run”Path of the file”

20.Is it necessary to learn VB script to work with QTP?

Its not mandate that one should mastered in VB script to work with QTP. It is mostly user friendly and for good results we need to have basic VB or concepts which will suffice

21.If WinRunner and QTP both are functional testing tools from the same company. Why a separate tool QTP came in to picture?

QTP has some additional functionality which is not present in WinRunner. For example,you can test(Functionality and Regression testing) an application developed in .Net technology with QTP,which is not possible to test in WinRunner

22.Explain in brief about the QTP automation object model

The test object model is a large set of object types or classes that QTP uses to represent the objects in our application. Each test object has a list of properties that can uniquely identify objects of that class

23.What is a Run-Time data table?

The test results tree also includes the table-shaped icon that displays the run-time data table-a table that shows the values used to run a test containing data table parameters or the data table output values retrieved from a application under test

24.What are all the components of QTP test script?

QTP test script is a combination of VB script statements and statements that use QuickTest test objects ,methods and properties

25. What is test object?

Its an object that QTP uses to represent an object in our application. Each test object has one or more methods and properties that we can use to perform operations and retrieve values for that object. Each object also has a number of identification properties that can describe the object.

26.What are all the rules and guidelines want to be followed while working in expert view?


VB script is not case sensitive and does not differentiate between upper case and lower case spelling of words.

Text strings

When we enter value as a string, that time we must add quotation marks before and after the string


We can use variables to store strings,integers,arrays and objects. Using variables helps to make our script more readable and flexible.


To achieve the desired result and to avoid the errors,it is important that we use parentheses() correctly in our statements.


We can add comments to our statements using apostrophe('),either at a beginning of the separate line or at the end of a statement


We can add extra blank spaces to our script to improve clarity. These spaces are ignored by the VB script

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